The Term Midlife Crisis Best Describes a Person Who
The particular term midlife crisis is somewhat new to the psychological field. Usually between the ages of 38 and 50 some individuals begin to struggle with the passing of their youth. Anxiety Case Study What does the term midlife crisis refer to. . Which term best describes Shellys condition. An emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in early middle age. Middle age crisis is a term to refer to a period of personal questioning that generally occurs to people who reach half their life expectancy. In fact it only started to be widely recognized in the 1980s. A mid-life crisis isnt a clinical term in itself nor is it a recognized disorder in any diagnosis manual. Subscribe to our mental health digest. What is a Mid-life Crisis. It can begin gradually increasing in its intensity over time or it can make itself known all of sudden. The term midlife crisis has been around since the 1960s...